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Connecting to the bridge


Connection to the bridge is made through the Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapterobject and should be initialized once (similarly to a database connection).


Using a container-interop compatible container like laminas-servicemanager is encouraged.



use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter as BridgeAdapter;
use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception as BridgeException;

$options = [
    'servlet_address' => 'http://localhost:8080/MyJavaBridge/servlet.phpjavabridge'

try {
    $ba = new BridgeAdapter($options);
} catch (BridgeException\ConnectionException $e) {
    // Server is not reachable
    echo $e->getMessage();


Connection params

The Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter constructor requires $options, an associative array with:

Parameter Description
servlet_address In the form: http(s)://<host>:<port>/<context_uri>/servlet.phpjavabridge
use_persistent_connection Since @2.5.0. By default false, set true for better connection times if needed.


Since v2.4.0, you can also provide basic auth in the servlet_address, i.e. http://user:password@localhost:8083/JavaBridge/servlet.phpjavabridge. If using basic_auth, avoid setting use_persistent_connection to true.

Advanced params Description
java_send_size Socket write buffer, by default 8192.
java_recv_size Socket read buffer, by default 8192.
java_log_level Log level on server (tomcat) side, by default null.
force_simple_xml_parser By default false: force the Use the php xml parser instead of native xml_parser().
driver Defaults to pjb62 driver implementation.
java_prefer_values By default true, see warning below.


In short, setting java_prefer_value to false should theoretically give more performance at the cost of some more boilerplate in the code. As the perf improvements have not been measured in practice (yet), the default is true in the soluble-japha implementation. Better to not change it as it will bc-break your code.


The force_simple_xml_parser param can be set to true to force usage of the pure-php implementation of the xml parser. This can fix possible issues with the native xml parser when the size of an xml message exceeds 10M. Before applying this feature, always check whether it's your only option...

Optional PSR-3 logger

Optionally you can send any PSR-3 logger as the second parameter, for example with monolog :


use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Adapter as BridgeAdapter;
use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$options = [
    'driver' => 'Pjb62',
    'servlet_address' => 'localhost:8089/servlet.phpjavabridge'

$logger = new Logger('name');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));

try {
    $ba = new BridgeAdapter($options, $logger);
} catch (Exception\ConnectionException $e) {

    // The error has been logged in your log file, check for
    // "[soluble-japha] Cannot connect to php-java-bridge server (...)"


Errors and exceptions

During initialization with the BridgeAdapter, the following exceptions could happen :

ExceptionClass Description
Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\ConnectionException Server not available (network port is unreachable)
Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\AuthenticationException Invalid credentials given in basic auth (check config)
Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\ConfigurationException Invalid connection parameter (check config)
Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\UnsupportedDriverException Specified driver is not supported (check config)
Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Invalid argument in constructor (check usage)


To provide faster initialization, soluble-japha does not deeply check the connection and consider a running http(s) port as valid. This can lead to confusion if your connection params points to a different running servlet. In this case the ConnectionException won't be thrown but you'll experience a Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\BrokenConnectionException when calling java objects.

A classic example: you forgot to include the servlet uri in your connection params. Instead of setting http://localhost:8080/MyJavaBridge/servlet.phpjavabridge, you've passed http://localhost:8080/servlet.phpjavabridge. The connection will succeed (no ConnectionException will be thrown) because there's a listening server. But once you'll call a method on the bridge you'll end up with the BrokenConnectionException. Fix your config to the correct bridge address.

Server debugging

Debugging can be enabled through the connection (@see java_log_level).

  • 0: Log nothing, not even fatal errors.
  • 1: Log fatal system errors such as "out of memory error".
  • 2: Log java exceptions.
  • 3: Log verbose, e.g.: "JavaBridge version x.y.z started"
  • 4: Log debug messages, including the c/s communication protocol.
  • 5: Log method invocations, including method selection.
  • 6: Reserved for internal use. Log messages which may be useful to debug certain parts of the bridge.

If using tomcat logged messages will be present in catalina.out.