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For learning purposes, the bridge optimizations techniques might not have been applied to the recipe examples. That way, most examples will better correspond to their equivalent Java syntax, they should be optimized for best performance. Learn more in the language optimization section.

Third party

The following examples are based on third-party Java libraries.


When using third party libraries, always check their license. Their installation can be done easily added when building your own Javabridge server. (pre-made init-scripts are available here).


Example based on the

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

function getSentences(Adapter $ba, string $text): array
    $doc = $ba->java('edu.stanford.nlp.simple.Document', $text);
    $sentences = $doc->sentences();

    $d = $ba->getDriver();
    $results = [];

    foreach($sentences as $idx => $sentence) {
        $results[$idx] = [
            'sentence' => (string) $sentence,
            'words'    => $d->values($sentence->words()),

            // If you have a model installed you can
            // use lemmas(), posTags(), parse()... methods
            'lemmas'  => $d->values($sentence->lemmas()),
            'posTags' => $d->values($sentence->posTags()), 
            'parse'   => $d->values($sentence->parse())

    return $results;

$text = "add your text here! It can contain multiple sentences. Hello world.";
$results = getSentences($ba, $text);
assertEquals('add your text here!', $results[0]['sentence']);
assertEquals('Hello world.', $results[2]['sentence']);
assertEquals('Hello', $results[2]['words'][0]);


While the bridge might offer more flexibility, CoreNLP provides a rest server that should be considered first for integration with PHP.


Basic example with jasper reports:


// Variables
$reportFile = '/path/10_report_test_json_northwind.jrxml';
$jsonDataFile = '/path/northwind.json';
$outputFile = '/path/output.pdf';

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 1 - compile report
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$compileManager = $ba->javaClass('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager');
$jasperPrint = $compileManager->compileReport($reportFile);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 2 - getting fileResolver and classLoader
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$reportPath = $ba->java('', dirname($reportFile));

$fileResolver = $ba->java('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.SimpleFileResolver', [
$classLoader = $ba->java('', [$reportPath->toUrl()]);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 3 - setting context props
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$props = [
    //'net.sf.jasperreports.json.source'         => $jsonDataFile,
    'net.sf.jasperreports.json.source'         => $ba->java('', $jsonDataFile)->getAbsolutePath(),
    ''   => 'yyyy-MM-dd',
    'net.sf.jasperreports.json.number.pattern' => '#,##0.##',
    'net.sf.jasperreports.json.locale.code'    => 'en_GB',
    ''    => 'Europe/Brussels',

    'REPORT_FILE_RESOLVER'                 => $fileResolver,
    'REPORT_CLASS_LOADER'                  => $classLoader

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4: filling report
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$fillManager = $ba->javaClass('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager');

$params = array_merge($props, [
    'REPORT_LOGO'  => './assets/wave.png',
    'REPORT_TITLE' => 'Test'
$jasperPrint = $fillManager->fillReport(
    $ba->java('java.util.HashMap', $params)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5: Exporting report in pdf
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$exportManager = $this->ba->javaClass('net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager');

$exportManager->exportReportToPdfFile($jasperPrint, $outputFile);


Don't forget to look at the ready to use wrapper soluble-jasper based on the bridge.


Json serialization can be particularly useful whenever you want to retrieve a java object representation. It could be used as an optimization technique as well.


Gson is a fast and simple json serializer from google.


$gson = $ba->java('');

$simpleDateFormat = $ba->java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd');

$hashMap = $ba->java('java.util.HashMap', [
    'integer' => 1,
    'phpstring' => 'PHP Héllo',
    'javastring' => $ba->java('java.lang.String', 'Java Héllo'),
    'javadate' => $simpleDateFormat->parse('2017-05-20')

$jsonString = (string) $gson->toJson($hashMap);
// Will produce:
//   {
//     "javastring":"Java Héllo",
//     "javadate":"May 20, 2017 12:00:00 AM",
//     "phpstring":"PHP Héllo",
//     "integer":1
//   }

$decoded = json_decode($jsonString);
// assertEquals('Java Héllo', $decoded->javastring);


Json-io is another serializer.


$jsonWriter = $ba->javaClass('');

$simpleDateFormat = $ba->java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd');

$hashMap = $ba->java('java.util.HashMap', [
    'integer' => 1,
    'phpstring' => 'PHP Héllo',
    'javastring' => $ba->java('java.lang.String', 'Java Héllo'),
    'javadate' => $simpleDateFormat->parse('2017-05-20')

$jsonString = (string) $jsonWriter->objectToJson($hashMap);
// Will produce
// {
//   "@type":"java.util.HashMap",
//   "javastring":"Java Héllo",
//   "javadate": {
//         "@type":"date",
//         "value":1495231200000
//   },
//   "phpstring":"PHP Héllo",
//   "integer": {
//          "@type":"int",
//          "value":1
//   }
// }

$decoded = json_decode($jsonString);
// assertEquals('date', $decoded->javadate->{'@type'});
// assertEquals('Java Héllo', $decoded->javastring);

JDBC example

Demonstrate the usage of JDBC as it still is a very popular example in Java.


Iterating over probable large resultsets with the bridge as illustrated on the JDBC example is very expensive in terms of performance. This code should not be used with the bridge unless no other option exists. See the performance and best practices to learn why.


use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;

// $ba = new BridgeAdapter(...); 

$driverClass = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver';
$dsn = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_database?user=login&password=pwd";

try {

    $driverManager = $ba->javaClass('java.sql.DriverManager');

    $class = $ba->javaClass('java.lang.Class');

    $conn = $driverManager->getConnection($dsn);

} catch (Exception\ClassNotFoundException $e) {
    // Probably the jdbc driver is not registered
    // on the JVM side. Check that the mysql-connector.jar
    // is installed
    echo $e->getMessage();
    echo $e->getStackTrace();
} catch (Exception\JavaException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    echo $e->getStackTrace();
try {
    $stmt = $conn->createStatement();
    $rs = $stmt->executeQuery('select * from product');
    while ($rs->next()) {
        $title = $rs->getString("title");
        echo $title;            
    if (!$ba->isNull($rs)) {
    if (!$ba->isNull($stmt)) {
} catch (Exception\JavaException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // Because it's a JavaException
    // you can use the java stack trace
    echo $e->getStackTrace();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


You can easily add MySQL connector to your bridge server, pre-made build scripts are available here.

Standard runtime

Those examples can be tested on a standard JVM install (no third party requirements).

SSL sockets

Demonstrate some possible uses of streams (code is irrelevant from a PHP point of view).


// $ba = new BridgeAdapter(...); 

$serverPort = 443;
$host = '';

$socketFactory = $ba->javaClass('')->getDefault();
$socket = $socketFactory->createSocket($host, $serverPort);

$bufferedWriter = $ba->java('',

$bufferedReader = $ba->java('',

$bufferedWriter->write("GET / HTTP/1.0");
$bufferedWriter->newLine(); // end of HTTP request

$lines = [];
do {
    $line = $bufferedReader->readLine();
    $lines[] = (string) $line;
} while(!$ba->isNull($line));

$content = implode("\n", $lines);
echo $content;
