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Handling Java exceptions


This page document how to deal with real Java exception and not the bridge exceptions (like connection failures...). Bridge exception are documented here


Exception thrown from the JVM will be converted to a generic JavaException class (Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\JavaException) that can be catched like a regular PHP one. To retrieve specific information from the Java/JVM exception, you can use the following methods:

  • JavaException::getClassName() will give you the originating Java exception class name. For example:, ...
  • JavaException::getStackTrace() will give you the JVM stacktrace.


From version 2.4.0, JavaExceptions are logged. See how to inject a PSR-3 logger in the bridge_connection section

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;
try {

    $javaObject = $ba->java('my.imaginary.JavaObject');

} catch (Exception\JavaException $e) {    
    echo $e->getMessage();    
    echo $e->getJavaClassName();
    echo $e->getStackTrace();

Extended exceptions

For convenience the following exceptions extends the base JavaException class and can be useful while developping.


The Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\ClassNotFoundException is a convenient exception class thrown whenever a Java class is not found:

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;

try {
    $string = $ba->java('java.INVALID.FQCN', "Hello world");
} catch (Exception\ClassNotFoundException $e) {    
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // -> "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"
    echo $e->getJavaClassName();
    echo $e->getStackTrace();


The Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\NoSuchMethodException is a convenient exception class thrown whenever a method does not exists on an object

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;

// Invalid method
try {
    $string = $ba->java('java.lang.String', "Hello world");
} catch (Exception\NoSuchMethodException $e) {
    echo $e->getJavaClassName(); 
    // -> "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException" 
    echo $e->getMessage(); 
    // -> Invoke failed: [[o:String]]->anInvalidMethod. Cause: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: anInvalidMethod()...
    echo $e->getCause(); 
    // -> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: anInvalidMethod()...   
    echo $e->getStackTrace();


The Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\NoSuchFieldException is a convenient exception class thrown whenever a property does not exists on an object

use Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception;

// Invalid method
try {
    $string = $ba->java('java.lang.String', "Hello world");
    $string->fieldNotExists = 10;
} catch (Exception\NoSuchFieldException $e) {


The Soluble\Japha\Bridge\Exception\BrokenConnectionException is thrown whenever there's a communication failure with the bridge (closed unexpectedly, server down in middle of transaction...).

This exception might happen in very rare circumstances. Be sure to enable the logger at connection to keep track on this.


If the BrokenConnectionException happens just after the connection, chances are that you are not connecting to the bridge but to another service. Please check notes here.